Trail etiquette for all users

All users keep right except to pass.

Trail etiquette for all users

Trail etiquette for all users

Re: “Whoa there: riders seek etiquette on trail”, (Citizen, April 5)

Here is a little primer on mixed use trail etiquette.

All users keep right except to pass. This means don’t take up the whole width of the path.

Having right of way doesn’t mean you can hold up faster traffic.

Uphill traffic has the right of way.

Bikes yield to pedestrians, both yield to horses (keeping in mind that you never take up the whole path and keep to the right).

Announce yourself when approaching slower traffic from behind and reduce your speed when passing.

Be ready to be passed. When you hear faster traffic coming move to the RIGHT. Don’t scatter to both sides of the trail

And for safety’s sake, no headphones!

Duncan Wagner


Cowichan Valley Citizen