Trails need work

A trail from Coombs to Springwood Park, how wonderful. I couldn’t be happier. However, I do have some concerns.

OK, now they have hit on something close and dear to my heart. A trail from Coombs to Springwood Park, how wonderful. I couldn’t be happier. However, I do have some concerns. What will be done to curtail dirt bikes from using this trail?

The second concern is Parksville, in all fairness, has done a poor job of maintaining the trails in the Springwood Park trail system. In fact, last year I can honestly say that not one visible thing was done on the trails.

Previous years have seen some patches done here and there and let’s not forget the disastrous bark mulch on the trails that was just a bad idea. One only need to walk on the trails particularly on the Church Road side to know that gum boots are a must to navigate the often-flooded trails.

Now it seems to me that a few loads of gravel and some pipe and possibly a couple of days labour and the trails could be drastically improved.

Back in the day, people in correctional institutions maintained these trails and they were much better. Maybe they should be brought back in if the city can’t handle it.

The way I see it, part of this area was gifted to the city, they should look after it. We are trying to live healthy lifestyles and enjoy a variety of walking trails, so before we take on any more perhaps we should look after the ones we have.

George OlmsteadParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News