Transit inaction show contempt for public

BC Transit and the CVRD has once again shown open contempt for the vocal public.

BC Transit and the CVRD has once again shown open contempt for the vocal public. You people have lost sight of the fact that you are accountable to the public who is paying your salary.

Your credibility has just taken another major hit with your “No Change Policy”. Mr. Henry Landry and Mr. Rick Lobb collected 350 signatures in favor of restoring the previous #7 route which you, in your infinite wisdom, dismissed.

This is no different from how you ignored my petition regarding route #8 and #9 where 90 per cent of respondents where opposed to that change implemented in October 2014.

I would like to know who in their right mind wants “more weekend trip times/frequencies” on these two routes? The meager ridership suggests the exact opposite.

The concept of revenue neutral has come up several times in the past. If the transit system was actually revenue neutral, then there would be no need for a transit tax increase as we just experienced in our 2015 tax bills.

In my opinion, the reason for the “No Change Policy” as demonstrated by BC Transit and the CVRD is for purely selfish reason. If any changes as suggested by the general public were implemented, that will lead to more changes and then the flood gates will open and the transit empire will crumble.

A leaner and totally functioning transit system will emerge saving huge amounts of public funds. Large buses, “chauffeur driven limos catering to a few at the expense of all” as I call them, should not be cruising our streets hoping to find a passenger.

That is exactly what is going on.

So it all boils down to turf protection.

Solution: replace large underutilized buses on many routes with fuel efficient mini vans.


Wolf Hufnagl


Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen