Transit labour situation beyond ridiculous

This B.C. Transit situation has moved beyond ridiculous and it’s time for the transit union to get a big dose of reality

This B.C. Transit situation has moved beyond ridiculous and it’s time for the transit union to get a big dose of reality.

In a time where most people are happy just to have a job, many others don’t have jobs and all are struggling to make ends meet, why is it that the only people who are getting more money in this economy are government workers?

Here are some facts for you bus drivers: Your industry is heavily subsidized by us taxpayers.

That’s right. The majority of that money is taken from the exact people who aren’t using the transit system through gas and road taxes.

Why exactly do transit drivers think they deserve so much more of our money?

If I worked in a job where I could be replaced by any person over the age of 16 who is able to sit for long periods of time, I would definitely be pretty humble.

This situation demonstrates the arrogance of all government workers and the delusion that they are indispensable and irreplaceable, when the exact opposite is true. I say fire them all.

People would be lining up for the privilege to do their job, and probably for less money and a far more reasonable benefit package.

Let these drivers see how hard it is to make it in the real world.

John MacIntyre

Central Saanich


Peninsula News Review