Transit trends

Morning Star editorial regarding transit upsets reader

In response to the editorial in The Morning Star, “No clear transit trend yet,” obviously the writer has no need to use the transit system.

Nor does the writer have any people with mobility issues.

These people are not just the elderly but come in all ages.

The lack of compassion and understanding is enough to make you weep.

Take the remark, “While the instinct is to overreact and spread doom and gloom.”

I wonder how the writer would feel if he were the one sitting on the curb in the rain, waiting for the bus?

Then, and I quote, “there is naturally going to be a transition as riders adjust.”

Most have no choice. They being the poor and the handicapped.

Just how do you adjust?

The majority of people using transit are on a fixed income or are the working poor.

So just what options are there?

Also written, “Realistically the move may mean some residents may have to find other options.”

So easily said, so hard to do.

Perhaps in your wisdom, you could write an article with some suggestions as to how we could do this adjusting and tell us what other options we have.

Keeping in mind the lack of funds, perhaps no close family, friends that no longer drive or can’t afford a vehicle.

Those remarks are a slap in the face of the most vulnerable.

I’d be willing to bet that every handicapped person, given a choice, would choose to be healthy and able to do that “bit of a walk” to the library.

Just ask the person living with asthma, shortness of breath, visual and hearing impairment, pain all day, every day.

Plus a host of handicaps that are not visible.

Why should these people have to adjust or find other options?

We had a system that was working.

What did we do to deserve the hardships created by these unnecessary changes in transit?

Who benefitted?

Certainly not the transit user.

Erma Soderquist, Vernon


Vernon Morning Star