TransLink didn’t propose .5 per cent sales tax

The proposal for a .5 per cent sales tax came from mayors and two South Fraser transit advocates.

Editor: I think that Gordon Price is right — whoever set this widespread anti-TransLink agenda has really damaged the state of transit debate in this region.

Particularly, the recent letter in The Times (“TransLink is never satisfied,” Sept. 12) is like many I’ve read before, in that it’s painting a completely incorrect picture of TransLink. If you’ve heard about the .5 per cent sales tax proposal recently, it was brought up by two well-known South of Fraser transit advocates — not by TransLink. TransLink’s board has never requested a sales tax of such calibre for transit.

The .5 per cent sales tax proposal was first brought up earlier this year by a group of people we have previously elected to lead us: our mayors. The Regional Mayors’ Council has been very vocal in trying to ensure that transit investment in this region can move forward.

Why is that? Because they know that investing in transit is the most efficient way of providing needed new transportation options for a growing population. Put simply, if funding is not dedicated towards transit investment, we’re going to need your money anyway — and we’re going to need more of it — to keep this region sustainable.

It’s unfortunate that many people don’t realize this, including the provincial government, which has incompetently refused to put forward any solution for transit funding, despite clamours in the past several years.

Readers, if a .5 per cent sales tax does become an option for increased transit funding in next year’s referendum, I urge you not to fall for any misleading anti-tax voices and just vote yes. I assure you, in the long run you’ll end up paying less.

Daryl Dela Cruz,


Langley Times