TransLink is not wasteful: Auditors

The organization has a track record of finding cost efficiencies.

Letter writer L. Mackintosh (“Stop wasting taxpayer money”) has justifiable concerns about specific instances of wasted taxpayer money at TransLink, but professional auditors with the writer’s requested “definite accountability” have a different view.

“They’ve tightened operations over the past few years. I don’t think they’re wasteful,”   said independent commissioner Robert Irwin after his 2013 review of TransLink’s entire operation.

In Nov. 2014, Moody’s Investors Service gave TransLink an Aa2 rating because of “solid governance and management practices” and a “track record of finding cost efficiencies.”

Will the 0.5-per-cent tax be increased later? That’s entirely up to the province, not TransLink. No one except the “no” campaigners have expressed any intention of increasing this tax.

The ballot promises an annual, public accounting of the money raised to ensure it’s spent only on the transportation improvements in the Mayors’ Plan.

As for low-income families and seniors mentioned in the letter, they will pay less than 10 cents a day per person and disproportionately benefit from the transportation improvements. That’s why the Coalition of Seniors’ Organizations, Disability Alliance BC and the B.C. Federation of Labour are among the 140 groups supporting a “yes”  vote.


Peter Ladner

Better Transit and Transportation Coalition

Surrey Now Leader