Transporting oil to coast remains a problem

Diluted bitumen can also leak from pipelines — see what happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Editor: Re: “Bitumen exports are bad for environment, economy,” (The Times, April 24).

While I commend David Black for stating that under no circumstances should the oil industry be allowed to export diluted bitumen by tanker because of the risks to our coastline, fish and wildlife, I am at a loss to understand why he still thinks it is OK to transport that same toxic concoction through pipelines to our coast. Diluted bitumen can also leak from pipelines — see what happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Langley also has fish and wildlife along the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline corridor, and we also have human life that would be adversely affected if there was a leak.

Over 60 per cent of the residents of Kalamazoo suffered adverse side affects for weeks after the major leak in their community, and four years later, they are still dealing with the mess.

Black is all for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  However, by continuing to expand the tar sands, one of the worst carbon emitters in the world, we are doing the exact opposite.  Yes, job creation is important. I certainly agree with that.  But why not jobs in the clean energy sector instead? That way we all get what we want.

Tricia Carpenter,


Langley Times