Treating others with respect is our responsibility


For two years now, the Salvation Army has announced that May is Dignity Month.


For two years now, the Salvation Army has announced that May is Dignity Month and has released a report, “Canada Speaks 2012: Mental Health, Addictions and the Roots of Poverty.”

The report reveals perceptions and attitudes among the Canadian public toward individuals dealing addiction or suffering from mental illness.

This report is based on a survey of more than 1,000 Canadians, conducted in February by Angus Reid Public Opinion.

It reports that many Canadians have been personally touched by one of these issues, with 80 per cent reporting that they have either a friend or family member who has experienced mental health issues and/or addictions.

Due to this surprising number, many Canadians empathize with those who suffer from either mental illness and/or addiction and are looking to the government and social programs to provide additional assistance to these individuals and their families.

The Salvation Army believes that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity.

To treat others with dignity is their right and our responsibility.

Let’s do our part in saying that we are all the same, created with value and worthy of respect. For other interesting results and full copy of the report, please visit

Dina Kennedy, CSM

The Salvation Army

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune