Treatment of veterans appalling

I have been reading all about the Sturgis North festivities and I was quite happy that all turned out well.

I have been reading all about the Sturgis North festivities and I was quite happy that all turned out well.

One thing has me appalled.

How many of you are aware that all Canadian and American veterans were forced to turn their vests inside out so their veteran insignias could not be seen? If they chose not to, they were not admitted inside to have a beer. What a slap in the face to those who laid their lives on the line for us. I am proud of our soldiers past and present, and believe they should be able to wear their ‘colours’ for all to see, wherever they want. If wearing their insignias somehow made them become part of the gang presence at Sturgis North, I would  stand up and join that gang and proudly wear their colours. Who made that decision?

I also must say, that should the Rizzis be fined or brought up on charges for providing free camping to our veterans, all Salmon Arm (and outlying) residents should come forward and make council aware of our displeasure and embarrassment for their actions. Just imagine what the rest of Canada would think. There would certainly never be a ‘Highway of Tears’ through this town – council would never allow it.

To the veterans that visited my town, please accept my apologies. My father (a Second World War vet) would be so very disappointed in our behaviour and rudeness, I am glad he is not alive to see such disrespect.

Elaine Bushman


Salmon Arm Observer