Trees cut down while birds nesting

Trees are taken down in the spring while birds are raising families.

Editor: It is devastating to hear of tree cutting going on in the Fernridge/Brookswood area. I thought the Township had some kind of tree preservation bylaw?  Maybe the new owner of the 198 Street property was following the example of Langley City?

There were 28 mature trees (30 to 40 years old minimum) taken down off five properties this spring, near the nesting time for the local birds.  The whole street heard the cries from the birds.

It was for an approved townhouse complex. Construction is finally underway in September.

The demolition of the houses and trees probably only took one to two months maximum. Why did they have to do it at or near nesting time?

When I asked the City how the trees were going to be replaced, I was told that the complex had a budget of $100,000 for landscaping (which I think could include brick pavers). It’s a spit in a puddle, if they are trying to replace those trees.

I thought as a country,we are obligated to the world to reduce our carbon imprint?  Langley is not doing a great job.

Janette Giffin,


Langley Times