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Trees help keep neighbourhoods cool

Develpment should be halted until a tree protection bylaw is in place

Dear Editor,

I am a property owner in Fernridge. We moved here because of the trees.

If you continue the way Willoughby has done, we will burn up here, too.

I want Township Mayor and Council to put a tree protection bylaw into place as soon as possible.

Do you care about global warming? Cutting all our trees has a dramatic effect on all of us who live in Brookswood/Fernridge. It is two degrees cooler here because of the trees.

Our Province is burning up in the summer, and we still do not have a tree protection bylaw in place. There should be no further development until this is done.

Marci Ellison-Thomas, Fernridge

READ MORE: Our View: Trees’ value debated

Langley Times