Trees in Fernridge won’t withstand development

Fernridge is slated for development. Subdivisions and large trees with shallow root systems in sandy soil are a deadly mix.

Editor: Re: any proposed tree preservation proposal in Fernridge. Fernridge is slated for development. Subdivisions and large trees with shallow  root systems in sandy soil are a deadly mix.

I have witnessed many 40-year-old downed trees for this reason in this area, in the winter months. Come development time, individual developers will use arborist’s reports, as required by the Township, to confirm this fact and all the large trees on private property in Fernridge will be removed legally, just like they were in Willoughby and Walnut Grove before it.

You can’t have a death-defying 30-metre tree within 30 metres of a home, so each tree is going to need a city lot around it as a safety zone. This is clearly finacially impossible.

Council knows this, but I expect they welcome  this controversial issue for, in Langley, at election time, even bad press is good press as most voters in Langley vote for a well-known name, rather than a new progressive council we so desperately need.

J. Beauman,


Langley Times