Trees still contributing to cancelled flights at Comox Valley Airport? Really?

Dear editor,

Another family disappointed.

I have several cancelled trips from Comox in the last 14 months.

Dear editor,

Another family disappointed.

I have several cancelled trips from Comox in the last 14 months. First one in November 2012 when I needed to be in Calgary for my sister’s cancer treatment. Fogged in, missed it.

January 2013 my Dad passes away. Fogged in, had to drive to Victoria next day.

October 2013, I have to be in Calgary again for a doctor’s visit for my Mom and a burial of my sister’s ashes. I book three days in advance.

After one day of cancellation and next-day trip to Victoria again, and it was cancelled until the next day. I finally make it. I miss my Mom’s appointment and just make my flight to bury my sister.

All would be acceptable if it was only Mother Nature. But being told by several people and WestJet employees there is still an issue with trees, which some residents do not want to cut down.

My neighbour last weekend passed away and his wife’s relatives were not able to come to the funeral because again of landing problems. Trees part of it.

Could someone please tell me why this is allowed to go on?

I would never want to wish this on anyone who needs emotional support in this difficult time.

Maybe these residents have not experienced such a serious situation that they need to fly in or out of Comox.

I wish they never do.

Maybe show some compassion to others and cut those trees. Please. God bless you.

Carol Arnold,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record