Trim waste from city budgets before upping taxes

A city snowplow rolled down my street pushing the one inch of snow to the side—three times.

To the editor:

On Sunday afternoon, while sitting at my dining room table reading a Cap News story headlined Kelowna City Manager Says Council Faces 2.54% Tax Hike Decision (Dec. 7) a city snowplow rolled down my street pushing the one inch of snow to the side.

Fair enough.

Then it went up the road a second time.

Well OK, I guess both sides need plowing.

Then down the road a third time, plough firing sparks into the growing darkness.

What the heck’s going on? I though probably a guy on overtime doing what he’s told to do even though it’s unnecessary.

Do we need a 2.54 per cent tax hike?

Dave Hamilton,


Kelowna Capital News