Trouble in Ukraine

The average reader must find it difficult to keep up with Russian-inspired events taking place in Ukraine

Unquestionably, the regular newspaper reader is finding it difficult to keep pace with Russian inspired events in Ukraine. Those events may have substantial implications for Canada.

The annexation of Crimea by the “little green men” followed by the recent (mostly unsanctioned by the Red Cross) “humanitarian” convoy invasion (with more threatened) is certainly showing Russia at its worst. Victimized by the West, according to itself and some writers, Russia justifies its actions by referring to an unspecified national interest. By these acts, Russia has undone six decades of peace in Europe and upset an international framework of respect for borders.

President Putin’s Russia has inspired, paid for, equipped and trained paid rebels to conquer a part of Ukrainian territory in the name of Russian messianism called New Russia. Without admitting that he is largely the source of events in Ukraine, Putin said on Aug. 14, Russia would do all to end the military conflict as soon as possible, to stop the bloodshed. On Aug. 27 reports were pouring in about the undisguised entry into Ukraine by Russian regular forces and heavy equipment in support of the rebels. Russia’s NATO envoy has said “Russia considers itself a great power…” Translation: we can do what we want.  What does the West want?

Nestor Gayowsky

Qualicum Beach

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