Truck traffic puts pressure on bridge

"Because there aren’t any weight limits posted for the bridge, the overloaded trucks get away with hauling what they may!"

I am an ordinary citizen who lives in East Trail and obliged to use the Victoria Street bridge both as a pedestrian and a driver.

These days when I walk I feel how much the bridge sways and moves when the very large trucks go by.

Almost every truck is pulling a large trailer which is pulling another trailer.

These trucks known as “B” imagine the tremendous loads they are moving along the highways and crossing bridges.

I am amazed at the number of these “B” trains traveling bumper to bumper and enter the bridge at the speed of traffic on Victoria Street.

If you carefully observe, the bridge begins to tremble and does so for the entire time these huge vehicles take to cross it.

Is it any wonder that the armours that allow the bridge to expand and contract have failed and need repairs.

Because there aren’t any weight limits posted for the bridge, the overloaded trucks get away with hauling what they may!

Even the old bridge had a weight limit of 3 tons posted on both ends. Why don’t we respect our beautiful, well constructed bridge?

Jim Sturgeon,Trail

Trail Daily Times