
Resident expresses concerns about the latest actions of the prime minister

Justin Trudeau may be getting too big for his britches.

He has pirouetted around Liberal election promises such as fiscal restraint, election reform, ethical conduct and candid openness.

His outgoing personality and undeniable charisma continue to be an effective smoke screen for his “do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do” behaviour, which includes an island-hopping Christmas holiday in the helicopter of a family friend, who just happens to receive taxpayers’ dollars for his charity.

Feigning ignorance of his own rules after being caught out makes one wonder if our prime minister’s opinion of ordinary Canadians has been downgraded by lavish pay-to-play banquets and wide-eyed selfie-seekers.

Unfortunately, Trudeau will be laughing all of the way to the prime minister’s office for as long as he likes if the ultra-right elements in the Conservative Party take control.

Lloyd Atkins



Vernon Morning Star