Trump is not fit to be U.S. president

Nothing demonstrates Donald Trump's total unfitness than his statement that Barak Obama is responsible for the creation of ISIS

Editor, The Times:

Nothing demonstrates Donald Trump’s total unfitness to run a dog pound, let alone be president of the US of A, than his statement that Barak Obama is responsible for the creation of ISIS.

This abysmal ignorance – (If you are so smart why aren’t you rich? Ha!) displayed by this utterly horrible man should be a wakeup call for thinking Americans.

Alas! The religion of Islam, once the religion of mathematicians, star gazers, and poets, now is becoming increasingly radicalized.

But is this all so much different from those Hindu fundamentalists (Hinduism once was a very tolerant religion) who threaten to tear India apart?

Or those Christians who insist on the creation theory being taught in school?

It is this element that would well make Donald Trump president of the most powerful nation on the planet!

Dennis Peacock


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times