
Trump’s acquittal a dark day for democracy

May the United States citizens wake up, and soon.

Trump’s acquittal a dark day for democracy

This is a dark day for America and for democracy. Everyone who was on TV or Internet heard Mr. Trump, from his own podium, incite the storming of the Capitol building in Washington, DC.

Dear United States of America — perhaps it’s time to stop the hypocrisy and rewrite the Constitution to reflect your seemingly sanctioned actions, including those regarding African and Native and other Americans of colour — who live with the constant fear of racist treatment, and possibly even death when faced by your law officers.

Shame on you is a statement I am loathe to say, I feel it does not call anyone to respect and right action, but I’m tempted to use it in regards to the U.S. Senate vote, as it represents like nothing else, the hypocrisy that has dogged that presidency to its unethical end.

MAGA storms the Capitol building, attacks and kills innocent people while claiming Trump won, and how do some of the GOP Senate reps react? Enough of them voted against impeachment (did some of them agree he had won, do they feel it’s lawful for a president, sitting or replaced to incite violence against the duly elected?).

Oh the irony.

It’s a free world I’ve heard my whole six plus decades, and yet that seems true now in a way I believe it was not initially meant given the American people were forced to bail out the Wall Street elite in 2008, causing a worldwide recession, and criminal acts from the most petty crimes result in jail times, especially for those of colour, while fiduciary crimes like the Wall Street bail out that set the whole world into a recession, as well as corporations that pollute and destroy the very world all humanity depends on, do so without consequence and now, all the way to the highest office of the supposedly greatest country on earth, all including a president are seemingly free to break the law with impunity.

This is a sad, sad day for me, and more importantly by far, for the promise of a more civilized world. May the United States citizens wake up, and soon. You will not be great again until you become what you were meant to be. United.

Kate Marsh


Cowichan Valley Citizen