Trusting trustees

Things can't go on the way they are. It's time for a change


did our current school board drop the bombshell of closing Qualicum’s high school as the only solution to lack of funding?

This short-sighted option was presented without prior consultation with the principals, teachers, and parents of all children living in School District 69.

Such a drastic decision would affect the entire community as well as  threaten the very sustainability of the Town of Qualicum Beach.

Parksville’s Ballenas (secondary school) would become the only secondary school for these two separate communities and large geographic region; Qualicum Beach would lose its vital youth in a community of predominately retirees; Ballenas would be overcapacity; Grade 9 students held back to middle schools and  the invaluable international student program lost. Can we afford all that?

Oceanside Communities for Quality Education is a grassroots movement of parents and citizens who are challenging the school board’s actions and were instrumental in delaying this decision.  OCQE reminds voters that there is hope and optimism for SD69 with the opportunity to elect new trustees — trustees who have children in the school system and are committed to creative and inclusive problem solving with innovative options to meet the funding crisis.

This election, more than ever is crucial for the future of education in Oceanside.

Vote for change!

Cilla Lewenhaupt

Leona Matte


Qualicum Beach



Parksville Qualicum Beach News