Try an Indian taco at NT Aboriginal Sharing Centre


To the editor;

The North Thompson Aboriginal Sharing Centre was honoured to have a few members of the Git Hayetsk Dance Group, from the Coast.

They were here on Friday and Saturday last week. The group was fundraising for their journey to Metlakatla Alaska, for a wedding and potlatch, and hoping to take part in Founders Day Celebrations, in Alaska.

The group’s leaders Mique’l Askren and Mike Dangel host the potlatch’s wedding, as they join their lives together.

For those who missed the chance to come down to the Centre and meet the Group, you will get another chance to do so. The group will be at the Sharing Centre again on Wednesday,  Aug. 10th, from 12 noon until 6 p.m.

They will be sharing, and teaching you the art of rattle making, and medicine pouches. There will be a minimum donation ($5.00) towards the material used. You will then have an awesome gift for someone or can keep it for yourself.

The group will also be selling an assortment of handcrafted gifts. There will be Indian Taco’s and Bannock for sale.

For all of you that have never tried an Indian Taco, you do not know what you are missing. Yummy, bannock topped with all the traditional taco fixings, the bannock is what makes it so good.

This fundraiser is to help offset their traveling costs. Please come out and support the dance group on their journey. Everyone is welcome.

To see the group in action you can google “Git Hayetsk” on YouTube to view their performances.

We are hoping to have the group come back to Clearwater in February for the Arts Health and Wellness Expo.

Yours in community spirit,

Cindy Wilgosh

Aboriginal SB6 Coordinator

North Thompson Valley



Barriere Star Journal