‘Turmoil’ grips Langley Township voters

Local politics in the Municipality of Langley are in an absolute turmoil.


Local politics in the Municipality of Langley are in an absolute turmoil. The newspapers publish sensationalism. The “friendly” reporters go on to make a career in politics. Should we believe what we read?

Looking back at municipal politics in Langley, I feel that there has not been good governance for over 25 years. It’s been continual backstabbing, mudslinging and wasting taxpayers’ money on one lawsuit after another. Council agendas have been built on acrimony. We, the taxpayers, have been short-changed (if I’m being polite). The present councillors have continually demonstrated how nasty, spiteful and vitriolic they have become over this past three years. Why?

In politics, discord usually occurs over power, glory and money.

Let’s recap: Kurt Alberts was head of planning; community groups were initiated in a few potential development areas. Development was to occur in an orderly manner with services provided. Kurt Alberts then became the mayor. Neighbourhoods found their input had been a complete waste of time as orderly planning went out the window and the “Developer of the Day” developed wherever. Clumps of development appeared in many, many areas. Why?

It was rather a shock to many “important” people when Kurt Alberts got tossed out in the last election. The incumbent Councillors never really took to Rick Green and made that very clear from the outset. Why?

Power! Nowadays, it is rare for any politician to leave office without having developed connections.

Glory! Mr. Green has not had the opportunity to reap any glory. Who has? Are the Councillors glorifying themselves?

Money! Hah! The root of all evil! Will we ever know what goes on at the trough? I’d like to.

Whether Rick Green would have been/or will be a decent mayor is presently unknown. All I do know is that Rick Green has never been given a chance even though he was legally elected in the last election.

I would just urge residents to get out and vote. Even if it is just for one councillor or one school trustee whom you support – make that effort. You don’t have to fill the ballot sheet if that is uncomfortable for you.

Something is drastically wrong with the governance of the Langley Municipality and we are paying through the nose for mismanagement and the vitriolic antics of some elected officials.

Diana Sampson, Langley

Aldergrove Star