Turn on the romance with a nice home-cooked meal

Today the male species is learning that a nice meal may be the way to a woman’s heart, or at least her taste buds.

Men have always had different ways to please a woman, and today the male species is learning that a nice meal may be the way to a woman’s heart, or at least her taste buds.

Statistics today show more men are taking the culinary challenges, and ‘kitchen’ is no longer a dirty word.

They are spending more time in the kitchen to prepare meals for their wives, significant others, and girlfriends.

So the question for ladies would be … would you sooner go out for an evening or have the man in your life prepare a lovely meal with some nice wine to match the dinner?

Men are also starting to find out there are many gadgets that can be used in the cooking process and are buying lots of them … that’s good for the industry.

Guys are learning how foods can be matched to provide different and significant tastes.

Many women today are working and so it just makes sense that men could help by getting involved in some of the cooking around the house.

Perhaps some shopping experience along the way would be of some help as well.

Don’t forget guys when you finish the cooking and the meal, there is always a cleaning job to do.

I like to clean as I go along because I don’t like a messy kitchen.

So dudes, if you want to please a woman, find out what she likes to eat, learn how to cook a dish, find out what kind of wine she may like along with a nice arrangement of flowers and some great dinner music.

Here is a meal that you guys can easily learn to cook and it is probably something that your lady can wrap her tastebuds around.

Some herbed cubed potatoes and a nice salad would compliment this meal.

Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Prosciuto-Wrapped Brie

Take a skinless chicken breast, and slice open a pocket, then insert a piece of brie that is wrapped in prosciutto.  About four inches long should work for the brie.

Season the breasts and then sauté them in butter, oil and garlic on medium heat, turning until browned on all sides.

Turn the heat down a little and put in enough wine to half-way cover the breast then add a splash of brandy.

Cook chicken until done and set on a side plate to keep warm.

Reduce the stock in the pan, sieve and serve overtop the chicken.

Take some time to learn to cook easy, nice and simple meals guys — it’s your turn.

Bye for now and Goood Cooking.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Advisor.


Williams Lake Tribune