Turn to electric alternatives

Record high gasoline prices are in the news again here in BC.

Record high gasoline prices are in the news again here in BC. But instead of complaining about it, and slavishly paying the price, we should really be looking to the abundant renewable energy alternatives we have available here in B.C. and considering electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles, and the batteries that power them, have made major leaps over the past decade. And proven production models are on the road and sitting in car dealer showrooms. Put them together with BC’s abundance of renewable energy in an aggressively significant way and, voila, high gasoline prices won’t be news in BC anymore they’ll be history.

We can go on riding the never ending upward spiral of gasoline prices, or we can consider the energy alternatives BC has been blessed with. Renewable energy provides us with a way to opt out of high gasoline prices and still be on the road for virtual pennies a mile.

Donald Leung

Salmon Arm Observer