Two accused men are taking advantage of the courts

These two were charged in October, 2012 and their case is still dragging its way through the court system.

Editor: A story was published in your paper (The Times, Oct. 18, 2012) about Roeloff Dendyver and Derek Hall. The two men, aged 73 and 30 at that time, were facing various charges, including theft, falsifying the carjacking of a pickup and punching an officer in the face.

It has come to my attention that the charges are still tied up in the Surrey court system, with yet another appearance in court scheduled for last Wednesday (Feb. 5 ). In my opinion, there should be no doubt on the involvement of the above-mentioned people.

As a taxpayer, I am frustrated with the ability of criminals to tie up the court system. These people will never own up to what they have done or the effects they have on others.

I would much rather see my tax dollars go towards a better cause. I don’t want to  help people who will never learn, and cry wolf.

Jo-Ann Sather,


Langley Times