Two all-candidates meetings typical Colwood

When will we get our political act together in Colwood? Currently, there are two all-candidates meetings set for the same evening — Nov. 2.

When will we get our political act together in Colwood? Currently, there are two all-candidates meetings set for the same evening — Nov. 2. How can they be all-candidates meetings when candidates for mayor and council are split between two locations?

The Church of the Advent has always hosted the all-candidates meetings supported by the West Shore Chamber of Commerce.

This Church announced the meeting date to their congregation on Oct. 2. Meanwhile, on Oct. 13 a splinter group (Concerned Citizen’s Coalition) announced their all-candidates meeting for Nov. 2 at the Colwood Pentecostal Church.

Now they are like two children arguing over who owns the ball as they both claim to be the only legitimate venue.

As taxpayers, we want to attend all-candidate meetings, not candidate rallies.

There are many new candidates for political office in Colwood. The decision of who to vote for just got a little easier.

Pick the slate of candidates that will be at your meeting of choice.

Me, I’m going to the Church of the Advent Meeting sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce as that is where the majority of candidates will be tonight.

John Townson





Goldstream News Gazette