Tyrants: give them an inch and they’ll take a mile

The tyrants at the top are the few and we the people are the many, so we just say "NO.


Tyrants: give them an inch and they’ll take a mile

“It’s only an armband for identification”… “It’s only boxcar to take you to your new residence”… “It’s only a shower to get rid of the lice.”

Researcher and author David Icke calls this tactic the “Totalitarian Tiptoe.” As Adolf Hitler described in Mein Kampf, “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly, is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

Tyrants like Hitler know that once one controls the media, one can control the minds of the masses and “the tiptoe” becomes a “cakewalk.” First a common enemy is identified to unite the people; a “bogeyman” to promote fear. Then the people can be easily convinced that it’s necessary to give up their rights and liberties in trade for their own protection. But, as Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who sacrifice freedom for security shall have neither.”

Furthermore, tyrants, who are psychopathic by definition, take advantage of the fact that most souls are inherently good-hearted and trusting of authority. Hitler understood that, “The greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely the people will ever believe their leaders capable of perpetrating such an event.”

This is why we must never trust “authorities” to break the law in times of an emergency, for they will surely create an emergency in order to break the law. And once we have lost our personal sovereignty, we will never get it back. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. If the totalitarian tiptoe is not stopped dead in its tracks, the people are inevitably robbed of all civil liberties and inalienable God-given human rights. Slavery.

So how do we stop it? Remember, Hitler didn’t murder millions with his own bare hands. He had plenty of willing minions to do it for him. The tyrants at the top are the few and we the people are the many, so we just say “NO.” We take back the power that’s been stolen from us. We refuse to be manipulated by fear and we do not participate to our own enslavement. We choose to be united in love, not divided by fear.

David Work

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen