UBCIC call for public inquiry

First Nations voice concerns for Mount Polley breach, significant crack

To the editor:

This is an open letter to Premier Christy Clark and Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

We are writing with respect to Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) Resolution 2014-17: Support for Xat’sull and Williams Lake First Nations, Call for Public Inquiry and Mining Reform in the Aftermath of the Mount Polley disaster, which was endorsed unanimously by the Chiefs-in-Assembly on Sept. 18, 2014.

On Aug. 4, 2014, the Mount Polley tailings pond breached and resulted in the worst mining disaster in British Columbia’s history. The breach resulted in 10 billion litres of contaminated water and five billion litres of solid tailings waste into Polley Lake, down Hazeltine Creek into Quesnel Lake and River, which directly connects to the Fraser River watershed.

As a result of this disastrous breach, significant concerns have been raised by local First Nations of the water quality, impacts to food fish and the surrounding ecosystem.

The Mount Polley disaster highlights the inadequacy of existing provincial laws, regulations and policies with respect to mining in the province, consequently, as per resolution 2014-17, UBCIC calls on your governments to hold a full and thorough public inquiry to:

• Bring about the full disclosure of the record of facts;

• To understand the current inadequacy of existing provincial laws, regulations, standards, and policies with respect to mining in British Columbia; and

• To facilitate significant mining reform in the province.

Also troubling is the recent release of the 2010 safety inspection report of the Mount Polley dam, which showed a significant crack in the structure that contains the toxic materials within the pond. It is with this resolution and the release of this frightening new information that we urgently call on your governments to move forward with a full public inquiry. We look forward to your immediate reply.

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip

UBCIC president

Chief Robert Chamberlin

UBCIC vice-president

Kukpi7 Judy Wilson

UBCIC secretary-treasurer

100 Mile House Free Press