UBID board avoiding democracy

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I have been a landowner in Union Bay for over 30 years.

Throughout our history, Union Bay residents have worked together to build the hall and the boat ramp, operate a fine volunteer fire department, engage in salmon enhancement, and countless other projects. And, over the years, the community has come together to debate the important issues of the day, including sewage plans, proposed municipal status, development of our Local Area Plan, and the Kensington project.

All of these projects have had enormous financial implications, especially for those of us on fixed incomes. Therefore, it is only natural that there have been passionate debates.

Which brings us to the April election of Union Bay Improvement District directors. Quite frankly, I, and many other landowners, do not have confidence in the leadership of this board.

The majority of this board has no faith in the expertise, experience and judgment of residents. It has no interest in participatory democracy. Too messy and cumbersome a process for them. Rather than work to build consensus and strengthen the community, its “leadership” style has resulted in the current rift in the community. It apparently believes that citizen participation ends at the ballot box.

Usually, editors remind citizens to overcome apathy and get involved in their communities, not just at election time. The Record seems to suggest that this continued desire for involvement is “subverting the operations of the duly elected UBID board.” What a strange notion in a democracy!

I guess I should abandon any plans I had for contacting my MLA or MP with some of my concerns, or, horrors, actually observing them in the legislatures.

Jack Stevens,

Union Bay

Comox Valley Record