The First Nations have wisely set their motto, “Idle No More”. Now by actively sharing their skills, knowledge and participation they will greatly enhance their well-being and add to Canada’s richness. We can learn from the past but can’t relive it. It’s a fast moving globalized world and the end of the reservation welcomed. Having a clear understanding of the terms nation, tribe, Canadian Indian, Metis and Canadian citizen would greatly add to the conversation.
In America its “High Noon’’ is the heated debate of the right to own guns resulting from the many mass shootings, particularly of children. Interestingly, America’s official motto is “In God We Trust”, but it no longer exists. God is love and one is exalted to love your neighbour, not fear the neighbour as is now the case. Love is gone as is the innocent trusting little child. God is shot dead. The AK15 assault rifle has replaced the crucifix and fear is the terrorist.
Secular U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt said only “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Spiritual Pope John Paul II proclaimed “Be not afraid”. The Golden Rule, a faint memory, is replaced with the reality “In The Golden Gun We Trust”.
In India, basic rights of safety and dignity were viciously denied a young female medical student on a bus when she was horribly and fatally gang raped by six males. The world has the right to render a sharp message of non tolerance and swift justice.
Joe Schwarz