Union Bay trustees thanked for water agreement

Dear editor,
Congratulations to the Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) board of trustees for reaching an agreement with Kensington Island Properties to provide 4-3-2-1-0 water treatment to Union Bay, as mandated by the Vancouver Island Health Authority.

Dear editor,

Congratulations to the Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) board of trustees for reaching an agreement with Kensington Island Properties to provide 4-3-2-1-0 water treatment to Union Bay, as mandated by the Vancouver Island Health Authority.

The $1.7-million cost of this will be borne entirely by the developer, thus saving the landowners considerable expense. In addition, the agreement negotiated by Denis Royer and David Godfrey will see Kensington absorb the full cost of $7.8 million to expand water treatment and build a new reservoir when the need arises.

At the meeting that finally ratified the water agreement, the vote was 3-2 in favour, with dissenting votes being cast by the two trustees who represent the TAG group.

There will be a multitude of ongoing details and problems to be worked out with Kensington as the community develops in the years ahead. We feel very confident that our interests will be well represented if trustees Royer and Godfrey continue to be part of the UBID team.

We encourage every Union Bay landowner to attend the UBID AGM this Saturday at 2 p.m. Listen and consider carefully, then vote for what you think will make Union Bay a better place to live.

Douglas Geidt,

Janette Glover-Geidt,

Stuart and Jennifer Keenan,

Mildred Coe,

Union Bay

Comox Valley Record