Union, insurer hypocritical with ad campaigns

There are two separate ad campaigns underway that at the very least are somewhat hypocritical.

To the Editor:

There are two separate ad campaigns underway that at the very least are somewhat hypocritical. They are the B.C. Government Employees’ Union anti-workplace bullying and ICBC anti-fraud ads.

’Tis the season for pink shirts and anti-bullying. For a union that consistently forgets they are public servants that is rich. We have no other choice than to deal with them, period full stop.

I have no issue with ICBC reminding me of how much fraud costs us, but I get bombarded daily in print and broadcast media of why to consult a lawyer before I even talk to them. Why would that be? Experience. Again as the default insurer and public servants, they forgot who they work for.

Now maybe I put the cart before the horse in that these organizations have legitimate concerns, but until they preface every press release with a convincing ‘we work for and are accountable to you,’ I will have to treat their complaints as just whines.

Grant MaxwellNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin