Unnecessary to clear cut


I was driving on 32 Avenue, and the clearcutting that is taking place brought tears to my eyes.


I was driving on 32 Avenue, and the clearcutting that is taking place brought tears to my eyes and I wondered what has happened to all the poor animals.

Looking around, I ask God how can mankind do this? Clear cutting should not be allowed and green space should be mandatory for all developments – that way some of the birds and animals have a place to escape. You can have a development without destroying everything in sight. Perfect example is the Amble Green development. Most of those beautiful trees were saved and plenty of green space.

When you walk in Amble Green, it gives one a most serene feeling. Here, mankind showed great respect for the environment. All those magnificent trees are still standing for over 30 years and there has never been any safety issue.

I hope our elected officials really do care about the environment and will consider using Amble Green as a template for all future development.

Mary Mikelson, Surrey



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