Unplug and play at Teddy Bear Picnic in Barriere appreciated

Kids having a great time without constant attachment to electronic gadgets

Teddy Bear Picnic youth enjoying playing with their teddy bears and stuffies in flower pots on Aug. 13, at the fairgrounds in Barriere.

Teddy Bear Picnic youth enjoying playing with their teddy bears and stuffies in flower pots on Aug. 13, at the fairgrounds in Barriere.

To the editor;

I was at the Teddy Bears Picnic on Saturday, Aug. 13, held at the North Thompson Fall Fair facility to take pictures for the Star/Journal.

I had a wonderful time being with all those youngsters; they dashed around playing with each other, taking part in all the available activities and seemed to be bursting with excitement and energy.

As I mingled with the kids, who were of mixed ages, I suddenly realized that I had not seen one of them with a cell phone!

I was astonished, and also pleased to see that kids can still be kids, having a great time without constant attachment to electronic gadgets.

A big thanks to Barriere and Area Literacy Outreach and everyone who contributed in any way to this event, it was simply wonderful.

Elli Kohnert

Barriere, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal