Unregistered suites a concern

Beneath the facade of this gem of a seaside town, crawling spiders lie in readiness to spin unforeseen webs on the backs of the unsuspecting

Beneath the facade of this gem of a seaside town, crawling spiders lie in readiness to spin unforeseen webs on the backs of the unsuspecting.

The Town of Sidney is unaware. Not only do its residents but also its merchants, strive to maintain a warm welcome to visitors who arrive at our shore.

Many unregistered suites are thriving in our town and unless our municipality becomes aware of these unrestricted areas, little can be done. Absent property owners renting to a person of limited means take the reins with full hands to make those lives a living hell.

There is no justice for being poor.

Some in our society aim to live affluently off the backs of the unfortunates, giving little or no care to the underlying factors. Their hidden ghettos are the scourge of our lovely seaside town.

Caroline E Whitehead




Peninsula News Review