#Untrending: Sort, store, weed content

Angela Crocker has developed a process she calls the ‘digital cleanse’.

#Untrending:  Vicki McLeod

#Untrending: Vicki McLeod

Angela Crocker is a writer, teacher, and information organizer. Among other achievements, Crocker has developed a process she calls the ‘digital cleanse’.

The digital cleanse is a 30-day series of strategies and tips based on her more than 25 years on the Internet. In her series, she shares how she sorts, stores, weeds, and organizes unwieldy online data to create order and keep systems running smoothly.

A tall, bookish woman, with a rosy face and a merry aspect, she is apt to surprise with her incisive observations and business savvy.  She recently released The Content Planner, A Complete Guide to Organize and Share Your Ideas Online. Published through Self-Counsel Press, as part of its Business Series outlines, a seven-step content creation process for anyone who publishes online, from established businesses to new entrepreneurs.

Creative professionals, – writers, artists, and musicians, for example – will also benefit from Crocker’s content planning method.

The Content Planner is Crocker’s third book. She is also author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Creating a Social Network and co-author of The B4 Plan.

Described as a pioneer of ethical social media, Crocker is a thought leader on meaningful digital conversation, genuine connections in virtual communities and lifestyles that integrate the best of online and offline living.

In her book, she says: “I encourage everyone to create content about topics they love. The best content is created by people who are passionate about their interests. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm on whatever subject is important to you.”

The Content Planner is imminently practical, methodically divided into easy-to-read chapters, that together map out a systemized process. But Crocker is offering up more than a simple step-by-step plan in this book. She’s serving up freedom.

Following her advice is a pathway to developing social media posting routines and habits that will give you more time. In my view, there is nothing more precious. Focusing on content that you are passionate about means that the time you do spend online will have more meaning to you.

Social media, done right, is about valuable, interesting engaging content that is relevant to the online community you serve, whether customers, fans or friends. Crocker is a leading advocate for social done right.

Says Crocker: “More than anything, I hope my readers will come away inspired to use their voice, create meaningful content and have the skills and confidence to do it well.”

While she makes her home in Port Coquitlam, Crocker was in Maple Ridge recently at a brunch celebration in a local eatery. Her warm wit, and down-to-earth style made it evident that she walks her talk.

In April, I’ll have the pleasure of sharing the stage with Crocker in Victoria at Social Media Camp, Canada’s leading social media conference. We’re participating in a panel exploring the worldwide trends in digital and social media and how they are impacting our personal and professional lives.

• You can find Angela online at www.angelacrocker.ca and her books on her website or on Amazon.


Vicki McLeod is an author, TEDx speaker, and award-winning marketing and communications entrepreneur. She is a business and personal coach and consultant.

Maple Ridge News