Up to the challenge to shut off water sources

South Okanagan resident accepts challenge to shut off water for six hours on March 23 or 24 for Canada Water Week.

I’d like to accept the challenge of Ms. Coral Brown of Twin Lakes, who asked that everyone shut their water sources off for six hours on March 23 or 24 in recognition of Canada Water Week.

Most people take for granted how available our clean drinking water is to us.  How many times in that six-hour period would you wash your hands, flush a toilet, brush your teeth, clean some vegetables or simply pour a glass of water to drink?

Let’s acknowledge how precious this wonderful commodity is with the realization of spending six hours with it’s absence.  Even if you prepare for this date by filling the bathtub and pouring jugs of water you’ll realize how difficult it is to live without it coming from the tap. I’d also like to send out a challenge to everyone: We need action on climate change now more than ever. Together we can make it happen. Join  millions of people across Canada on the biggest team in the world — Team Earth Hour! Join Team Earth Hour and switch off your lights from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 23.

Sam Verigin

Twin Lakes

Penticton Western News