Upcoming agricultural seminars, events to keep an eye on

Just so you know, it hurt to write this. For the past several months I've had an aching computer arm.

Just so you know, it hurt to write this.

Seriously, for the past several months I’ve had an aching computer-arm, one that lets me know quite soon after I begin typing that it doesn’t really enjoy the exercise.

Sometimes it just mumbles quietly in protest, at others it screams like a banshee.

The diagnoses. Live with it as best you can, limit use accordingly. Hmmnnn.

Must be that aging thing again. How vexing!

January and February are traditionally slow-time on most agricultural operations.

Accordingly, several organizations, business and government-agencies take the opportunity to offer agricultural business or educational courses and seminars to ag-operators, scheduling dates in January-February. This year is no different.

Upcoming events/seminars include:

Soil Fertility Workshop — Williams Lake, Jan. 24, 2014 (Pioneer Complex — 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) Four keynote speakers will deliver on topics such as: the meaning of soil analysis, microbial levels in soil, rotational use and much more. The registration deadline has passed (yesterday, Jan. 14)  but B.C. Minister of Agriculture Pat Pimm has confirmed the allotted space has not yet been filled, so they will accept late registration.

Also upcoming (a more timely reminder) an Alfalfa Production Workshop scheduled for Feb. 21, 2014 (Williams Lake — Pioneer Complex  — 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) — registration deadline, Feb. 14, 2014.

Topics covered will include: best approach to grazing alfalfa, what can be done to combat Vercillium Wilt, climate change and its affect on alfalfa production and more.

Both of these events are being held in joint co-operation by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and the Nechako Valley Regional Cattlemens Association. Contact: Nancy Portman (Ministry of Agriculture, Kamloops) by telephone at: 250-828-4510 or via e-mail: Nancy. Portman@gov.bc.ca to sign up.

The cost for each is $25 per person, payable on registration.

Liz Twan is a rancher and freelance columnist for the Tribune.

Williams Lake Tribune