Upkeep road lines downtown

Why does our city have no lines painted on our roads even though it is mid-June?


Why does our city have no lines painted on our roads even though it is mid-June?

I have had my learner’s licence since the end of 2011 and I have never really had any major issues while learning to drive. However, it’s almost halfway through June right now and the snow has been gone for a while but I see that the lines on the roads downtown still have not been repainted.

As a driver who is learning how to drive, I find this very frustrating. I find myself panicking as I drive through downtown Williams Lake because I cannot figure out where to stop since the stop lines are worn down and I often find myself driving down the middle of a two-lane side of road because I didn’t realize that I wasn’t quite in one lane or the other.

I have gotten to the point that I don’t even like driving downtown because I can’t see the lines on the road, if I practice my driving at all, I drive on the highways where you can actually see the lines. We, as drivers, run the risk of all kinds of accidents and losing my licence because I could not see the lines on the road.

Please paint the lines back onto the roads, they aren’t just there to make the roads prettier.

Samantha Heibein

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune