Use library space

I was dismayed to learn that the City of Vernon is planning on using the library building for more city offices. I understand that when these award-winning buildings were constructed they were designated as public buildings to be used for public activities.

I would like to see the library building be used by Greater Vernon Museum and Archives as it will probably never get a purpose-built place. Why not take this opportunity to expand before it’s too late? Perhaps the museum director’s office and the museum registrar’s office can be moved here. Artifact storage, workshop and conservation areas could be here. The education director and school programs could operate out of here. There could be classrooms and meeting rooms and there is an existing area that can be accessed for public programming and lectures and seminars without having to open the entire building.

The vacated areas in the current building can be repurposed to allow more exhibit and archives research space. There would be no need to physically connect the two buildings because of the separation of uses. Each building is already accessible for the disabled and has public washrooms.

If the City of Vernon is using some of the space for offices, perhaps those offices can be the Vernon Tourism Advisory Committee office? Or space for the Heritage Advisory Committee?

Our Greater Vernon Museum and especially our archives are valuable and respected public resources. I would like to ask the mayors, councilors and directors of the City of Vernon, the District of Coldstream and Regional District of the North Okanagan, as our public representatives, to make the commitment to turn the old library space into a new and improved heritage space — before it’s too late.

Judy Turner




Vernon Morning Star