John Harding’s editorial in the Dec. 1 edition of The NEWS touched on some very practical points.
Canada is a resource country. We extract, use and sell resources and we are good at it. In a perfect world we would have every need and desire fulfilled. Life isn’t that simple.
Sure, we want small class sizes, clean air, professional teachers, more doctors, MRI machines on every corner, better roads, fewer taxes, no wait times, save the bears and orcas, clean oceans, perfect beaches, instant ambulances, no crime, no overdoses and on and on.
All very commendable but it all takes money and guess what, governments don’t have any. What they have comes from us, from our work, from investments, from taxes on goods and services, from stuff we dig, make and sell. We have been doing that for 150 years and are darn good at it.
Use our resources to create and develop technology for a cleaner better life. Pixy dust doesn’t buy much.
Del Rokosh