Use Sandown land for local agriculture

To follow the selfish proposals of the four councillors in the majority in North Saanich, would be a disaster.

The commercial development of the Sandown lands or any part of thereof as supported by Councillor (Ted) Daly, would only ensure that the number of empty shops in Sidney would rapidly increase.

The formation of a Sidney Business Association also indicates that Sidney needs help, not what is despite it’s proximity, is virtually outside competition.

The idea should be rejected as was (former mayor) Daly’s  earlier and not dissimilar idea of village centres.

Any high school student with a smattering of historical awareness would know that bust follows boom and that with current economic conditions it is likely that our present recession will not end soon and could get worse, as the basic causes have not been addressed.

Sometimes progress means that you have to go backwards before you can go forward.

To return the property to active agriculture it is obvious that some expenditure is necessary. That is the responsibility of the owner.

The area is surrounded by farms and green countryside and would soon recover but the Sandown property must remain in the ALR and use thereof remain strictly limited by our hard fought for OCP guidelines which reflect the majority wish of the residents of North Saanich.

To follow the selfish proposals of the four councillors in the majority in North Saanich, would be a disaster.

H.U.P. Edwards

North Saanich


Peninsula News Review