Utility rates an election issue

The so-called “conservation rate” is a swindle, ostensibly predicated on the need for environmental sustainability

The No. 1 issue in the May election is the brutal utility rates and the BCUC patronage of the ruthless Fortis gouging of its captive consumers, the people of B.C. (Mark Walker, “Utility rates a shock,” April 5). It was the Liberals who sold the publicly held power company to a private corporation, and the current twerp in office is just more of the same. Don’t even think of voting Liberal.

Heat and light are a basic human right. The political candidate who will act on this as a priority is the only candidate worth voting for. Utility bills the size of mortgage payments are causing real hardship now, and for the BCUC to condescend to review rates in 2014 is callous. The BCUC should be sacked, period.

The so-called “conservation rate” is a swindle, ostensibly predicated on the need for environmental sustainability, but in fact to make residential users pay for corporate consumption. What next? A consumption rate for drinking water? For shame BCUC.

Roger Henning





Penticton Western News