
Vaccination experience quick and painless

To those who are now eligible, please make an appointment soon as possible.

Vaccination experience quick and painless

We are writing this letter to express our appreciation for the way the COVID vaccinations have been administered in the Cowichan Valley. After seeing the long lineups in other parts of Canada and around the world, we are very fortunate to be living on Vancouver Island. There is designated parking, ample signage to direct us to the correct entrance, security personnel to help outside the building and an awning has been erected outside the building in case of rain but the lineups have been minimal.

Once inside, we were given a medical-grade mask and directed to a seat to await check in but were not there more than two minutes. During check in we were given four sheets of information to read while waiting our turn. After check in, we were given a seat to wait for a nurse to call us for our vaccination but again the wait was very short, perhaps five minutes. Our nurse was courteous and answered any questions we had. After the quick and painless jab, we were again directed to a seating area where we had to wait 15 minutes before leaving. Those with allergies were taken to another area for a 30-minute wait.

We would like to thank the Vancouver Island Health Authority, its many volunteers and also the volunteers from the Canadian Red Cross who have given their time, even working on holidays such as the Easter weekend and also the registered nurses who have worked tirelessly giving the vaccinations. To those we have missed, thank you.

To those who are now eligible, please make an appointment soon as possible.

Katherina and David Goodacre

Karen and Jim Shillito

Cowichan Valley Citizen