Vancouver Island rail is not the same as Europe

Belgium, which is similar in size to Vancouver Island, has 11 million people, whereas Vancouver Island has 750,000.

In response to the letter to the editor by Ed Fergusson about rail service (The NEWS, June 23), I would suggest that comparing Vancouver Island rail service to that of Europe is foolish.

Western Europe has almost 400 million people to support the rail system. Belgium, which is similar in size to Vancouver Island, has 11 million people, whereas Vancouver Island has 750,000.

Italy is 10 times larger than Vancouver island but is home to 60 million people, more than 60 times our population.

The rail system in Europe is fabulous because distances are short and the population is huge. Not so on Vancouver Island.

Rail on the island is clearly not viable. The sooner the ICF is shut down, the better.

Terrence MurphyParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News