Vandalism of trees not entirely surprising

Re: Tree vandalism leaves residents ‘flummoxed’, July 21.

To the Editor,

Re: Tree vandalism leaves residents ‘flummoxed’, July 21.

I can sympathize with whoever vandalized the trees that could be obstructing someone’s view.

When you purchase a home with an ocean view, and then a few years later lose your beautiful vista because someone has not kept their trees at a neighbourly height, it tends to be annoying as well as affect your property values.

The city does not have any height restrictions on vegetation, however you can build a fence to a height of only six feet.

Trees, on the other hand, grow as high as their owners allow them to with absolutely no regard for their neighbours views and property values.

I respect a person’s need for privacy, however, privacy can be achieved without obstructing views of the other  property owners in a neighbourhood.

A vegetation height-restriction bylaw would certainly solve problems that home owners are encountering and stifle further vandalism.

Melody Botten


Nanaimo News Bulletin