Vandalism wrong

Reader tired of continuous vandalism

To the editor:

This letter is to thank Ken Alexander for his excellent coverage of vandalism in (Centennial) Park (Sept. 14 Free Press).

Awareness must also focus on the spray-painted graffiti on trees, signs (the removal of one) and especially on the “in memory of” benches for which family members have paid a lot money to install. There are images of devils and the words, “I love weed.”

I couldn’t help but wonder how I could make the lives of the people who did this less enjoyable.

My dog-walking friends and I often pick up garbage, especially broken glass to prevent our dogs’ feet from being injured.

I also read that vandalism is an issue at the 108 Mile Ranch, as well as at North Green/Watch Lake. What’s the problem with these offenders and can anything be done to help?

Somewhere I read the District of 100 Mile House would like to recruit volunteer members for patrols around town to monitor misbehaviour.

Where my friends and dogs go is not accessible to vehicles. We are more than willing to help curb vandalism, littering included, in a safe manner.

We simply would like to enjoy the wonderful spaces we have.


Yoka Brondijk

100 Mile House



100 Mile House Free Press