Vehicles should not be made to travel 300 km/h

Recently we saw a motorcycle running on BC highway systems at nearly 300 km/h.

Recently we saw a motorcycle running on BC highway systems at nearly 300 km/h.

When will we smarten up and demand with our safety officials and motor vehicle safety enforcement that vehicle builders do not send vehicles into our provinces that will operate at nearly three times the legal speed limit? We can send men to the moon and back, but we cannot get vehicles built in a manner that will limit the maximum speed that the vehicle will travel.

Most of the highway systems have maximums up to  110 km/h. So the question is  why allow vehicles that can be driven at an unsafe speed to be sold and be available for drivers who could care less about the maximum speed that they subject themselves and other unsuspecting road users to on the road system?

It seems a race to see who can build the fastest vehicles strictly as a sales pitch with total disregard for safety. Even the ads that run on TV expound the ability of the vehicle to operate like the vehicle used by the Dukes of Hazzard.

Robert Johnson



Nelson Star