Very dodgy opinion poll

I realized then that I was talking with an employee rather than a professional pollster.

An open letter to:

David Black,


Kitimat Clean

Dear Sir:

I’m also addressing this to the person who called me Tuesday, Sept. 15 and who did not identify themselves beyond “conducting a survey on the refinery proposal.”

I apologize for my abrupt response.  I did not know which polling firm you were representing because you did not state such, and in fact when you inquired why I would not want to participate, I said that without knowing anything about who was calling I would never, under any circumstances reveal any personal information.

To you who called me, I am sorry.

Not for my response but for the tight-fisted owner/employer you work for who commissioned the non editorial staff to make cold calls to people around British Columbia.

As I read my local on-line paper this afternoon about a poll conducted on behalf of Mr. Black’s oil  refinery proposal for Kitimat, I realized then that I was talking with an employee rather than a professional pollster.

It must be very difficult to work in the media for multi millionaire who keeps even impartial polling in-house and still expects the public to view such action with legitimacy.

I hope you get overtime!

With best wishes, and hoping that your boss may consider using an outside recognized polling firm in the future, I remain,

Maureen Atkinson,

Terrace, BC





Terrace Standard